Begin using the Unique Entity ID (SAM) from on April 4, 2022
Change is coming. Starting Monday, April 4, 2022, the new Unique Entity ID from will be the official governmentwide identifier used for federal awards.
On April 4, 2022, FPDS users will no longer use the DUNS Number to identify vendors. Instead, vendors will only be identified by the Unique Entity ID (SAM). To find an entity’s Unique Entity ID (SAM), see this FAQ at our supporting Federal Service Desk, The DUNS Number will no longer be accepted in FPDS input.
The Unique Entity ID (SAM) is already visible and available for data entry in FPDS. Remember, prior to April 4, 2022, the authoritative unique entity identifier is the DUNS Number. On and after April 4, 2022, the authoritative unique entity identifier will be the Unique Entity ID (SAM).
For Interfacing Systems ONLY:
- Because the Unique Entity ID (SAM) data element is not present in pre-V1.5 FPDS Schema/WSDLs, the Unique Entity ID (SAM) cannot be corrected using the older version WSDL/Schema in which the contract action was initially created.
- If an interfacing system corrects an older version using the V1.5 Schema/WSDL, then it can update the Unique Entity ID (SAM) on older versions.
- If an interfacing system uses the pre-V1.5 Schema/WSDL to correct the CAR, you must use the web portal to correct the Unique Entity ID (SAM) via the user interface. In this case, you can use the entity lookup next to the “Entity Name” field to search for and select the correct entity.
For Atom Feed Systems ONLY:
- The Entity Data Source tag (<entityDataSource>) shall be populated with values of either 'D&B' or 'E&Y' beginning April 4, 2022. This tag was implemented during UEI Phase 1, V1.5 Service Pack 9 to track source of entity name and address information, and is displayed in Atom Feeds only.
- All FPDS and FAADC records containing a UEI (DUNS) value and were finalized on or prior to the V1.5 FPDS Service Pack 13 Production deployment (4/2/2022) shall be internally appended with a value of 'D&B'.
- The 'Last Modified Date' of existing records shall not be updated as part of this update, and this update will not be pushed to downstream Atom Feed systems.
- Please refer to the FPDS FAQ and Atom Feed FAQ for more information regarding Entity Data Source tag location/applicable values, and removal of UEI (DUNS)-related tags from Atom Feed views.