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==SPR Listing==
==SPR Listing==
<TABLE id="box-table-a" border=2 style="width: 990px">
<TABLE id="box-table-a" border=2 style="width: 990px">
<th width=18% align="center"><b>SPR #</b></th><th width=30% align="center"><b>Enhancement/Problem and Resolution</b></th><th width=38% align="center"><b>Solution</b></th><th width=25% align="center"><b>Impact to Users and Integrators</b></th>
<th width=18% align="center"><b>SPR #</b></th><th width=30% align="center"><b>Enhancement/Problem</b></th><th width=38% align="center"><b>Solution</b></th><th width=25% align="center"><b>Impact to Users and Integrators</b></th>
<td style="width:95px" valign="top">FPDSPMOS-117</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="top">FPDSPMOS-117</td>
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<td>FPDS-NG is accepting PSC values in mixed case through Business Services and saving them in mixed case. For Example s119. This is causing the Atom feed to have a blank description for the PSC.
<td>FPDS-NG is accepting PSC values in mixed case through Business Services and saving them in mixed case. For Example s119. This is causing the Atom feed to have a blank description for the PSC.
<td align="center">No</td>
<td align="center">No</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">FPDSHD-59064</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">FPDSHD-59064</td>
<td>New rule that will not allow Place of Performance to be the United States if the vendor DUNS is one of the following:  
<td>New rule that will not allow Place of Performance to be the United States if the vendor DUNS is one of the following:  
12-345-6787 Miscellaneous Foreign Contractors
13-666-6505 Spouses of Service Personnel  
13-666-6505 Spouses of Service Personnel  
Line 58: Line 57:
15-390-6193 Foreign Utility Consolidated Reporting"  
15-390-6193 Foreign Utility Consolidated Reporting"  
<td align="center">No</td>
<td align="center">No</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">FPDSHD-92843</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">FPDSHD-92843</td>
<td>Multi-Year Contract propagation on BPA Call
<td>Multi-Year Contract propagation on BPA Call
"Multi-year contract" Use case for V1.4 BPA and BPA Call is 'Not Required'. When a V1.4 call is placed against a V1.4 BPA, application is working fine.
"Multi-year contract" Use case for V1.4 BPA and BPA Call is 'Not Required'. When a V1.4 call is placed against a V1.4 BPA, application is working fine.
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<td align="center">No</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">USASP-9</td>
Change the USA Spending - IT Dashboard API implementation to improve the match rate
IT Dashboard uses the USA Spending API to match IT Contracts. Due to incorrect/incomplete data sent from IT dashboard in the API requests, most of the contracts cannot be matched.
<td align="center">No</td>
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">USASP-10</td>
Add drilldown capability for Competition Pie Chart in Summaries section of the USA Spending website.
Currently in Summaries for Contracts Data, the competition information is shown in the following three categories:
a. Competition Not Reported <br>
b. Not Competed Dollars <br>
c. Competed Dollars
The functionality for drilling down further needs to be added.
<td align="center">No</td>
<td align="center">No</td>

Revision as of 16:24, 7 June 2012


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Monday June 18, 2012Monday June 18, 2012
Functional Qualification Testing Tuesday June 19, 2012Thursday June 21, 2012
Installation in ProductionFriday June 29, 2012Friday June 29, 2012

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
Computer-Based TrainingNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSPMOS-117 Add 'Micro-Purchase Threshold' to the following rules

If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition' and "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition', 'Authorized Resale' or 'Authorized By Statute', then "Extent Competed" must be 'Not Competed Under SAP' - 10M07A

If "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition', then "Solicitation Procedures" must be 'Simplified Acquisition'. - 10M09
In-Progress No
FPDSHD-103318 FPDS-NG is accepting PSC values in mixed case through Business Services and saving them in mixed case. For Example s119. This is causing the Atom feed to have a blank description for the PSC. In-Progress No
FPDSHD-59064 New rule that will not allow Place of Performance to be the United States if the vendor DUNS is one of the following:

13-666-6505 Spouses of Service Personnel

16-744-6249 Navy Vessel Purchases In Foreign Ports

15-390-6193 Foreign Utility Consolidated Reporting"

In-Progress No
FPDSHD-92843 Multi-Year Contract propagation on BPA Call

"Multi-year contract" Use case for V1.4 BPA and BPA Call is 'Not Required'. When a V1.4 call is placed against a V1.4 BPA, application is working fine.

But, when a V1.4 call is placed against an older version BPA(1.2 or lower), the value is getting propagated to the Call.

In-Progress No
FPDSHD-86870/99911 CO Business size is not propagating correctly from the IDV Novation to the Delivery Orders if the DO base references the IDV base and the some mods reference the Novation

If a 'Novation' mod is performed and then another mod is performed after the 'Novation' mod, the new mod propagates the vendor information from the 'Novation' mod as expected.

However when the 'Novation' mod is deleted, vendor information is not brought forward from the base.

In-Progress No
FPDSHD-99320 10C21 is firing for Part 13 BPA Call incorrectly by reading the “Other than Full and Open Competition” value on the BPA.

10C21 - If the "Base and all options Value" is greater than $3000, and if the “Contingency Humanitarian Peace Keeping Operation" is “Not applicable' then "Other than full and open competition" cannot be ' Less than or equal to the Micro Purchase threshold".

It is supposed to read the value from the Part 13 call as the use case is ‘Optional’.

In-Progress No
FPDSHD-102598/102686/103065/103033 Funding office name is incorrect on Contract screens(correct in reports)

Offices OA (Office of Administration) and OAM (Office of Air and Marine) under 7014. When user picks the shorter code on contracts (OA), name corresponding to the longer code is getting displayed (Office of Air and Marine)

In-Progress No
FPDSHD-87276 Vendor Congressional district fix. Congressional district in reports should be derived based on the zip code only when the Country code is US. Since “Congressional District” does not apply to foreign vendors, Standard and Adhoc reporting, and Atom Feeds shall not display a value for “Vendor Congressional District”. No
FPDSPMOS-113 Add D&B disclaimer to FPDS-NG In-Progress No

Change the USA Spending - IT Dashboard API implementation to improve the match rate

IT Dashboard uses the USA Spending API to match IT Contracts. Due to incorrect/incomplete data sent from IT dashboard in the API requests, most of the contracts cannot be matched.

In-Progress No

Add drilldown capability for Competition Pie Chart in Summaries section of the USA Spending website.

Currently in Summaries for Contracts Data, the competition information is shown in the following three categories:

a. Competition Not Reported
b. Not Competed Dollars
c. Competed Dollars

The functionality for drilling down further needs to be added.

In-Progress No