Difference between revisions of "V1.5 SP 9.0 Fast Path"


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Revision as of 21:26, 1 March 2021


February 20, 2021 Fast Path

DescriptionStart Date End Date
Beta Implementation Feburary 17, 2021Feburary 17, 2021
Production Deployment Feburary 20, 2021Feburary 20, 2021

March 6, 2021 Fast Path

DescriptionStart Date End Date
Beta Implementation March 3, 2021March 3, 2021
Production Deployment March 6, 2021March 6, 2021

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryNo
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Atom FeedsNo
Online HelpNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
The following items were originally scheduled to be deployed as part of FPDS V1.5 Service Pack (SP) 9. However due to the schedule re-assessment of FPDS SP 9, items that are not tied to UEI changes are being deployed ahead of the final SP9 release. The following items were deployed to production FPDS on Saturday, February 20, 2021:

IAEREQ-3348, IAEREQ- 3475, RTC 56706

Business Size is not being saved on a Novation Agreement. This item will resolve a defect for a subset of contract actions, when selecting “Reason for Modification” of 'Novation Agreement', and the user selects a different value for the data element 'Contracting Officer's Business Size Selection,' the new selected value is not retained when saving the modification when the DUNS is unchanged from the base Contract Action Report. This defect is only present on Awards and is not present on IDV contract action reports. No


The correction functionality is not working on the Data Element Solicitation Date Solicitation Date is being removed from Awards when the referenced IDV is corrected No

RTC- 56501

Part 13 BPA is not retaining the correct DUNS when the Date Signed is changed on a modification. This item will resolve a defect where a 'Novation Agreement' modification DUNS number reverts back to the original/base document DUNS number after a new modification document is corrected to a Date Signed earlier than the Novation Agreement document. No


“Subcontract Plan” retention on a Part 13 BPA Call. This item will resolve a defect where the Data Element “Subcontract Plan” value is not being retained on a BPA Call 13. No


System error incorrectly firing on Contract Action Report (CAR) Invalid XML System error message firing on PIID W912DY10F0692, requiring code fix to resolve No
The following items were originally scheduled to be fixed with Service Pack (SP) 9. However due to the schedule re-assessment of FPDS SP9, items that are not tied to UEI changes are being deployed ahead of the final SP9 release. The following items shall be deployed to production FPDS on Saturday, March 6, 2021:

IAESAM-849, RTC 55778

Display “Approved Date” at the top of FPDS CAR screens. The “Approved Date” and “Approved By” will be displayed on the FPDS Screens in the Transaction Information Section.

See screenshot below:


Note: Currently, these values are saved in applicable FPDS database tables but are not displayed on the screens.



IDV Modification records signed after a ‘Novation Agreement’ modification do not retain the correct “Subcontract Plan” value. This item will resolve a defect where the value for “Subcontract Plan” does not propagate to subsequent modifications that are signed after a ‘Novation Agreement’ modification. This occurs only when the ‘Novation Agreement’ modification is corrected, the DUNS number is unchanged, and the user updates the value for “Subcontract Plan.” A data management update will be performed to correct existing records affected by this defect. No


Other Transaction Awards are omitting the “Congressional District Place of Performance” field when using the Print function. This item will resolve a defect where the selected value for data element “Congressional District Place of Performance” is not displaying when printing Other Transaction Awards. No


“Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Items” is grayed out on a Delivery Order (DO) against a Basic Order Agreement (BOA). This item will resolve a defect where the required data element “Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Items” is closed on a DO against BOA.


“Additional Reporting” is unavailable for selection when “SAM Exception” is selected. This item will resolve a defect where the data element “Additional Reporting” is being closed when a user selects a value for the data element “SAM Exception.”


Invalid XML System error message firing on Web Services Create request when trying to provide <congressionalDistrictCode> information This item will resolve a defect where an invalid error message (‘Please check the xml sent ()’) is firing on web services create requests. This error is being shown when a user tries to provide <congressionalDistrictCode> information in the web services response. No


FAADC GUI Service errors for '<getNewAssistanceURL>' and '<getExistingAssistanceURL>' request types This item will resolve a defect with the FAADC GUI Web Services interface where the following errors are occurring:

(1) When sending the <getNewAssistanceURL> request, the returned URL is producing a blank white screen. (2) When sending the <getExistingAssistanceURL> request, the returned URL shows a page with a screen that says "There was an error opening the document".



Government User IDs incorrectly created without an assigned Agency ID, Unable to be corrected by user This item will resolve a defect in the Government User ID creation where the ‘Agency ID’ is incorrectly allowed to be left blank upon creation.

As ‘Agency ID’ is a required field on the Government User Registration page. But currently, a validation rule will be triggered to enforce that users are only able to create government FPDS accounts with an Agency ID.



Suppress ‘Date Signed’ validation rule firing incorrectly on Other Transaction (OT) contracts as compared to Awards/IDV's This item will suppress Other Transactions (OT) validation rule ‘OT2B02’ to align the validation rule behavior with the FPDS Awards/IDV’s:

Validation Rule Code: OT2B02 Validation Rule Message: ‘Period of Performance Start Date cannot be earlier than the Date Signed on the base document.’

This validation rule does not trigger for FPDS Awards and IDV’s, and for consistency the validation rule will be suppressed for Other Transactions contract actions. Currently, in situations where this is a valid scenario, OT users are unable to validate and finalize the OT contract action report.
