Anomaly Reports


Revision as of 18:29, 1 December 2011 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Friday 12/01/2011 Friday 12/01/2011
Functional Qualification TestingMonday 12/05/2011 Friday 12/09/2011
Installation in ProductionThursday 12/15/2011 Thursday 12/15/2011

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
Report ManualYes
User ManualNo
Help FilesYes

Report Listing

Report Category/Name#Business ObjectiveResolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
HOW; Contract Termination for Default-Cause ReportHow many final Award and IDV modifications are marked as either ‘Terminate for Cause’ or ‘Terminate for Default (complete or partial)’ in FPDS-NG for the Fiscal Year selected? What are the PIID level details for each of these actions so our department can validate against our internal systems? Is the data different between FPDS-NG and our internal system so we should correct it? 1. A new Informatica Standard report, “Contract Termination For Default/Cause” shall be developed to display modification documents that have chosen “Reason for Modification” as one of the following values:
  • Terminate for Cause
  • Terminate for Default (Complete or Partial)

2. Final Delivery/Task Orders (DO/TO), Purchase Orders (PO), Definitive Contracts (DCA), BPA Calls, FSS, GWAC, BOA, BPA and IDC shall be considered in this report.

3. This report shall have a detail layout with details shown for each qualified PIID.

4. This report will include enhanced features being incorporated in standard reports. Details can be found at Standard Reports Enhancements- Phase_II

HOW; Subcontracting Plan ReportHow many final Stand Alone Award and IDV bases are marked as ‘Plan Required – Incentive Not Included’, ‘Plan Required – Incentive Included’ or ‘Plan Required (Pre 2004)’ in FPDS-NG for the Fiscal Year selected? What are the PIID level details for each of these actions so our department can validate against our internal systems? Is the data different between FPDS-NG and our internal system so we should correct it? 1. A new Informatica Standard report, “Subcontracting Plan” shall be developed to display base documents that have chosen “Subcontracting Plan” as one of the following values:
  • Plan Required – Incentive Not Included
  • Plan Required – Incentive Included
  • Plan Required (Pre 2004)

2. Final Purchase Orders (PO), Definitive Contracts (DCA), FSS, GWAC, BOA, BPA and IDC shall be considered in this report.

3. This report shall have a detail layout with details shown for each qualified PIID.

4. This report will include enhanced features being incorporated in standard reports. Details can be found at Standard Reports Enhancements- Phase-II
HOW; Competitive Procedures, but one Offer ReportHow many ‘Competed Under SAP’, ‘Full and Open Competition’ ‘Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources’ or ‘Fair Opportunity’ final contracts have only one offer marked in FPDS-NG for the Fiscal Year selected? What are the PIID level details for each of these actions so our department can initiate a corrective action? 1. A new Informatica Standard report, “Competitive Procedures, but one Offer Report” shall be developed to display “Competed” documents that have received one offer.

2. The existing “Competition Report” shall serve as the basis for this report that would also include an additional condition of one offer.

3. This report shall have:

  • A summarized layout by Department to highlight the “Competed” numbers
  • Competed workflow to exclude Orders subject to Fair Opportunity
  • Competed workflows to include Orders subject to Fair Opportunity
  • Award Detail to display the contractual data for each PIID that qualifies to be in this report

4. This report will include enhanced features being incorporated in standard reports. Details can be found at Standard Reports Enhancements- Phase-II

HOW; IDVs whose Orders are over the Ceiling Amount ReportHow many IDVs have referencing Orders (Delivery/Task Orders and BPA Calls) whose cumulative dollar obligation is over the cumulative ultimate contract value? What are the PIID level details for each of these actions so our department can initiate a corrective action? 1. A new Informatica Standard report, “IDVs whose Orders are over the Ceiling Amount” shall be developed.

2. Final Delivery/Task Orders and BPA Calls that have obligated dollars over their referenced IDVs’ ultimate contract value shall be considered in this report.

3. This report shall have a detail layout with details shown for each qualified PIID.

4. This report will include enhanced features being incorporated in standard reports. Details can be found at Standard Reports Enhancements- Phase-II

HOW; Orders placed after IDV’s Last Date to Order ReportHow many IDVs have referencing Orders (Delivery/Task Orders and BPA Calls) that were placed later than the Last Date to Order? What are the PIID level details for each of these actions so our department can initiate a corrective action? 1. A new Informatica Standard report, “Orders placed after IDV’s Last Date to Order” shall be developed.

2. Final base Delivery/Task Orders and BPA Calls that are signed or have come into effect later than the “Last Date to Order” on their referenced IDVs shall be considered in this report.

3. This report shall have a detail layout with details shown for each qualified PIID.

4. This report will include enhanced features being incorporated in standard reports. Details can be found at Standard Reports Enhancements- Phase-II

HOW; Small Top 100 Federal Contractors ReportHow many top 100 Federal contractors are marked as "Small Business" in FPDS-NG? 1. A new Informatica Standard report, “Small Top 100 Federal Contractors” shall be developed.

2. After the report is executed for Global level vendor, it shall be drilled down to the individual contractual level vendor and then the top 100 Federal Government contractors that are marked as “Small Business” by the contracting officers are identified and displayed.

3. This report shall have a detailed layout.

4. This report will include enhanced features being incorporated in standard reports. Details can be found at Standard Reports Enhancements- Phase-II