V1.4 NAICS Changes


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FPDS-NG will be making changes to "North American Industry Classification System Code" (NAICS Code) reference data in accordance with the new 2012 NAICS Structure. These changes are effective January 1, 2012.

Please visit click here for more information on the 2012 NAICS changes. In particular, the file named 2012 NAICS Structure contains the new NAICS codes and the Concordances link provides the mapping between the 2007 and 2012 NAICS Codes.

FPDS-NG will be incorporating the 2012 NAICS changes in two phases. Phase I will handle new and end-dated NAICS codes. Phase II will handle NAICS description updates.

PHASE I Schedule

DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Tuesday Dec 27, 2011Tuesday Dec 27, 2011
Installation in ProductionFriday Dec 30, 2011Friday Dec 30, 2011

Changes for PHASE I

  • FPDS-NG will incorporate the new NAICS codes effective 01/01/2012, where 01/01/2012 corresponds to the “Date Signed” on the documents.
  • FPDS-NG will not allow the end dated or replaced NAICS codes to be selected on new base contracts from 01/01/2012. When an invalid NAICS Code is selected, the referential Validation Rule will display
  • Modifications to existing contracts will continue to propagate the value of NAICS regardless of the end-date
  • These requirements apply to PO, DCA, FSS, GWAC, BOA, Part 13 BPA, IDC contract types on Validate, Approve and Correct
  • Standard reports will display any contracts created using the new NAICS codes
  • Adhoc reports will display the new NAICS Codes along with their Description in addition to the existing values for the users to choose them in the filters
  • Validation rules will not be changed

PHASE II Schedule

DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Tuesday Jan 03, 2012Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Installation in ProductionFriday Jan 06, 2012Friday Jan 06, 2012

Changes for PHASE II

  • FPDS-NG will incorporate all the NAICS description changes as of 01/01/2012, where 01/01/2012 corresponds to the “Date Signed” on the documents. Prior to 01/01/2012 (12/31/2011), the existing NAICS description data will continue to apply; from 01/01/2012 and later, the new NAICS description will apply.
  • Reports will display the NAICS description for contracts based on the date signed. For contracts using end-dated NAICS codes, descriptions will the one when the NAICS was active.
  • Adhoc reports will display the new and old NAICS descriptions for the users to choose in the filters.
  • Data Fix: Any contracts created between 01/01/2012 and 01/06/2012 using the “Description update” NAICS will be refreshed with the latest description in the reports
  • Validation rules will not be changed