V1.4 SP15.0


Revision as of 23:52, 22 June 2012 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Monday June 18, 2012Monday June 18, 2012
Functional Qualification Testing Tuesday June 19, 2012Thursday June 21, 2012
Installation in ProductionFriday June 29, 2012Friday June 29, 2012

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
Computer-Based TrainingNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSPMOS-117 Add 'Micro-Purchase Threshold' to the following rules

10M06 (Pre-CLOD) - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition', then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be 'Authorized By Statute', 'SAP Non-Competition', or Not Selected.

10M07 (Pre-CLOD) - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition' and "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition' or 'Authorized By Statute', then "Extent Competed" must be 'Not Competed Under SAP'.

10M06A (Post-CLOD and V 1.4) - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition', then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be 'Authorized By Statute', 'Authorized Resale', 'SAP Non-Competition', or Not Selected.

10M07A (Post-CLOD and V 1.4) - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition' and "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition', 'Authorized Resale' or 'Authorized By Statute', then "Extent Competed" must be 'Not Competed Under SAP'.

10M09 - If "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition', then "Solicitation Procedures" must be 'Simplified Acquisition'.

Revised validation rules:

10M06 - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition', then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be 'Authorized By Statute', 'SAP Non-Competition', ‘Micro Purchase Threshold’, or Not Selected.

10M07 - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition' and "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition', 'Authorized By Statute', or ‘Micro Purchase Threshold’, then "Extent Competed" must be 'Not Competed Under SAP'.

10M06A - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition', then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be 'Authorized By Statute', 'Authorized Resale', 'SAP Non-Competition', ‘Less than or equal to the Micro-Purchase Threshold’ or Not Selected.

10M07A - If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Simplified Acquisition' and "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition', 'Authorized Resale' , 'Authorized By Statute', or ‘Less than or equal to the Micro-Purchase Threshold’, then "Extent Competed" must be 'Not Competed Under SAP'.

10M09 - If "Other than Full and Open Competition" is 'SAP Non-Competition' or ‘Less than or equal to the Micro-Purchase Threshold’, then "Solicitation Procedures" must be 'Simplified Acquisition'.

FPDSHD-103318 FPDS-NG is accepting PSC values in mixed case through Business Services and saving them in mixed case. For Example s119. This is causing the Atom feed to have a blank description for the PSC. New documents:

When lower case Alpha values are sent to FPDS-NG via Business Services for “Product or Service Code” and “System Equipment Code”, FPDS-NG shall convert them into upper case. This resolution shall apply to all the data elements that would accept the Alpha values.

Existing documents:

Data fix shall be performed to make the lower case Alpha values for the “Product or Service Code” upper case.

Materialized Views shall be updated to make the lower case Alpha values for the “Product or Service Code” upper case, and to populate the “Product or Service Code Description”.

FPDSHD-59064 New rule that will not allow Place of Performance to be the United States if the vendor DUNS is one of the following:

13-666-6505 Spouses of Service Personnel

16-744-6249 Navy Vessel Purchases In Foreign Ports

15-390-6193 Foreign Utility Consolidated Reporting"

The following Validation Rule shall be introduced for V1.4 onward on all Awards, Other Transaction Awards, and NASA Specific Documents:

“The "Principal Place Of Performance Country Code" cannot be 'USA' when the DUNS Number is ‘136666505’, '167446249' or '153906193'.” 136666505 : Spouses of Service Personnel 167446249 : Navy Vessel Purchases In Foreign Ports 153906193 : Foreign Utility Consolidated Reporting

FPDSHD-92843 Multi-Year Contract propagation on BPA Call

"Multi-year contract" Use case for V1.4 BPA and BPA Call is 'Not Applicable'. When a V1.4 call is placed against a V1.4 BPA, application is working fine.

But, when a V1.4 call is placed against an older version BPA (1.3 or lower), the value is getting propagated to the Call.

Existing documents:

Data fix shall be performed on the following base documents and modification documents to empty the “Multiyear Contract” value: 1. FSS 2. GWAC 3. BOA 4. BPA 5. PO 6. DO off BOA 7. DO off FSS 8. DO off GWAC 9. BPA Call

New documents:

After the data fix, there would not be any V 1.4 FSS, GWAC, BOA or BPA documents with a value for the “Multiyear Contract”. However, software shall be ensured that for the following V 1.4 base documents (whose use case is ‘Not Applicable’) FPDS-NG shall not propagate the “Multiyear Contract” value from the referenced IDV: 1. DO off BOA 2. DO off FSS 3. DO off GWAC 4. BPA Call 5. Part 8 BPA

After the data fix, there would not be any V 1.4 base FSS, GWAC, BOA, BPA, DO, PO or BPA Call documents with a value for the “Multiyear Contract”. However, software shall be ensured that for the respective V 1.4 modification documents (whose use case is ‘Not Applicable’) FPDS-NG shall not propagate the “Multiyear Contract” value from the bases.

FPDSHD-86870/99911 1. ‘Approve’ or ‘Correct’ for a Novation modification of the IDV does not propagate the CO Business Size to the referencing Awards if the base of the Award references the Base of the IDV.

2. If a Vendor modification of an IDV is deleted, the subsequent modifications of the IDV do not get vendor information from the previous vendor modification / base of the IDV.

3. When a non-vendor modification of an IDV or Award (PO, DCA) is corrected, the vendor information is not pulled from the previous vendor modification or the base.

1. Approve’ or ‘Correct’ for a ‘Novation’ (J), Rerepresentation (R) or a ‘Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition’ (P) modification of the IDV shall propagate the CO Business Size to all the referencing Awards depending on the Date Signed and subsequent IDV modifications until an IDV modification with “Reason For Modification” of a higher precedence.

2. If a user attempts to delete a vendor modification of a stand alone Award or IDV which has subsequent modifications, the following validation rule shall be displayed to stop the user: “This vendor modification has subsequent modifications and cannot be deleted.”

3. When a non-vendor modification of an IDV or Award (PO, DCA) is corrected, the vendor information shall be pulled from the previous vendor modification or the base.

4. Data Management fixes shall be done to correct the CO Business size on the Awards and to propagate the correct vendor info for the deleted Vendor modifications.

FPDSHD-99320 10C21 is firing for Part 13 BPA Call incorrectly by reading the “Other than Full and Open Competition” value on the BPA.

10C21 - If the "Base and all options Value" is greater than $3000, and if the “Contingency Humanitarian Peace Keeping Operation" is “Not applicable' then "Other than full and open competition" cannot be ' Less than or equal to the Micro Purchase threshold".

It is supposed to read the value from the Part 13 call as the use case is ‘Optional’.

FPDS-NG shall only consider the values given for "Base and All Options Value", "Contingency Humanitarian Peace Keeping Operation", and "Other than Full and Open Competition" on the Part 13 V1.4 BPA Call or V1.4 DO against a BOA when firing 10C21 on either contract type. The value for "Other than Full and Open Competition" on the IDV shall not be considered when firing 10C21 on any Award that references an IDV.

10C21: “If the "Base and All Options Value" is greater than <threshold> and if the "Contingency Humanitarian Peace Keeping Operation" is 'Not Applicable', then "Other than Full and Open Competition" cannot be 'Less than or equal to the Micro-Purchase Threshold'.”

FPDSHD-102598/102686/103065/103033 Contracting/Funding Office names are not displaying correctly on the contractual screen. This is an issue for any Contracting/Funding Office that is one, two, three, four or five character in length where the characters (starting from the first) match between offices.

Example: The Funding Office Code, ‘A’ under Department of State has the name as “Bureau of Administration”. Because ‘A’ matches with the first character in ‘AVC’ (another office under Department of State), FPDS-NG is displaying the office name as “Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance”. The Funding Office Code, ‘OA’ under Department of Homeland Security has the name as “Office of Administration”. Because ‘OA’ matches with the first and second characters in ‘OAM’ (another office under Department of Homeland Security), FPDS-NG is displaying the office name as “Office of Air and Marine”. This is not an issue with reports, ezSearch, ICD and ATOM Feeds.

The name shall be correctly displayed on the contractual screen for the Contracting/Funding Offices whose length is one, two, three, four or five characters and when the characters (starting from the first) match between offices. No
FPDSHD-87276 Vendor Congressional district fix. Congressional district in reports should be derived based on the zip code only when the Country code is US. Since “Congressional District” does not apply to foreign vendors, Standard and Adhoc reporting, and Atom Feeds shall not display a value for “Vendor Congressional District”. No
FPDSPMOS-113 Add D&B disclaimer to FPDS-NG and USA Spending The disclaimer will be added in various places in FPDS-NG and USA Spending. The disclaimer shall also be added to all FPDS-NG Standard Reports.

Global DUNS Number and name are added to the following:

- Award details of all standard reports

- Adhoc reports

- Summary of “Potential Vendor Anomaly” report

- ezSearch and ICD results

- ATOM feeds
