Atom Feed DUNS Hierarchy Changes


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DescriptionStart Date End Date
Functional Qualification Testing Thursday November 13, 2014Friday November 14, 2014
Installation in ProductionFriday November 21, 2014Friday November 21, 2014

SPR # Enhancement/Problem Solution Impact to Users and Integrators
Enhancement The FPDS-NG public ATOM feeds will be updated to not display the following four (4) data elements:
  • Headquarters Parent DUNS Number (<parentDUNSNumber>)
  • Headquarters Parent Nam​e​ (<parentDUNSName>)
  • Domestic Ultimate DUNS Number (<domesticParentDUNSNumber>)
  • Domestic Ultimate Name (<domesticParentDUNSName>)

The public ATOM feeds will mask these data elements by inserting “blanks” into the data field.
Per current FPDS ATOM feed functionality, having empty values for the specific data elements will result in the xml tags not being displayed for these data elements.

FPDS-NG shall not display data or display empty tags for the following in Public Atom Feed Version 1.4.3 & 1.4.4:
  • <parentDUNSNumber>
  • <parentDUNSName>
  • <domesticParentDUNSNumber>
  • <domesticParentDUNSName>

FPDS-NG shall not display data or display empty tags for the following in Public Atom Feed Version 1.4, 1.4.1, & 1.4.2:

  • <parentDUNSNumber>
  • <domesticParentDUNSNumber>

Additional Information

The link for Beta is
and testers can use the following Atom Feed links to test the DUNS hierarchy changes:

Append the query to the end of the link. Example:"po"

Sample queries:

  • &q=VENDOR_DUNS_NUMBER:"123456787"
  • &q=SIGNED_DATE:[2013/10/01,]
  • &q=SIGNED_DATE:[2013/10/01,2014/09/30]

Sample query with multiple queries combined: