Trade Agreements Report
Description | Start Date | End Date |
BETA Installation | Tuesday January DD, 2013 | Tuesday January DD, 2013 |
Functional Qualification Testing | Wednesday March 19, 2013 | Thursday March 20, 2013 |
Installation in Production | Friday January DD, 2013 | Friday January DD, 2013 |
Document Changes
dDocumentation | Changes Required |
XML Specifications | No |
Web Services | No |
Data Dictionary | No |
Use Case Summary | No |
Validation Rules | No |
Online Help | Yes |
Enhancement Listing
SER # | Enhancement | Solution | Impact to Users and Integrators |
Trade Agreements Report | Available Features
•Ability to submit and correct Grants data in real-time •Ability to save draft Grant documents for review (access to draft documents provided through web portal inbox) •Advanced real-time search functionality •Role based privileges •A pre-population feature to assist and ease the entry of Grants data Existing Data Existing data received through DSVT with an “Action/Obligation Date” prior to ‘10/01/2012’ will not be subjected to any Grants module Validation Rules. Batch Support Batch/ DSVT support will continue to be provided. Data corrected through the Grants module will not be supported via DSVT. Integration Support Agencies using Grants Writing Systems should refer to the following documents to integrate with the Grants module. •[Web Services Specification] •[WSDL Files] •[Data Dictionary] •[Validation Rules] •[Sample SOAP requests] To obtain access to the Grants module, FPDS-NG Agency System Administrator should contact FPDS-NG Support at The Grants module is part of the FPDS-NG Version 1.4 Service Pack XX. It is scheduled for production deployment on MM DD, 2013. | Following are the high level requirements for the Trade Agreements Report:
1. The top level report at the Federal Government level is a summary report for all actions that are covered by NAFTA and GPA trade agreements that displays the base (mod number = 0) action awarded in a given year and the cumulative* Dollars Obligated on that action for the years when the action is active. Cumulative Dollars Obligated = Dollars Obligated on the base + Dollars Obligated on all the modifications. 2. This report shall display data from FY 2009 and until the NAFTA/GPA thresholds are available. This means that the data shall be available for FY 2009, FY 2010 and FY 2011. 3. The search criteria must include the following fields: Fiscal Year – Mandatory Department ID - Optional Agency ID - Optional Organization Code - Optional Contracting Office Region - Optional Contracting Office ID - Optional PSC Code - Optional Country of Origin - Optional Type of Report - Optional; one value shall be chosen Set-Asides only Limited Tendering Open to Trade Agreements Competition (the default value) 4. The eligible NAFTA and GPA agencies shall apply. TSA (agency code 7013) will be excluded until 2014. 5. PSC exclusions shall apply. 6. A drill path and an Award Detail shall be displayed. 7. The Appendix and the Help File shall be developed accordingly. |
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