V1.4 Activity Address Code Implementation


Revision as of 22:00, 1 February 2016 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Monday February 1, 2016Monday February 1, 2016
Government Acceptance Testing Wednesday February 24, 2016Tuesday March 1, 2016
Installation in ProductionFriday April 1, 2016Friday April 1, 2016

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryYes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryYes
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
Reports ManualNo
User ManualYes

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
17004 Implementation of FAR Case 2012-023, FAR 4.605(e) Activity Address Codes (AAC) Changes. Implement the six-character Activity Address Codes (AAC). Effective on 04/01/2016, the FPDS-NG will begin to use the FPDW DoDAAD Web Service to ingest and manage the Civilian and DoD Activity Address Code. Changes in FPDS will include the following:

• FPDS-NG no longer allows Civilian Agencies to enter Offices directly into FPDS-NG.

• The source of the AACs for Civilian and DoD Agencies is the Department of Defense Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD), which is managed by DLA.

• FPDS-NG pulls AAC information through a Web Service subscription established with DoDAAD.

• The Common Government-wide Accounting Classification (CGAC) and Major Command received from DoDAAD for an AAC is used to determine the Department/Agency to place the AAC within.

• Major Command may be referred to as ‘Majcom’, or ‘Maj_command’.

• All Civilian Offices with an AAC as the Office ID have a start date of ‘04/01/2016’.

• All existing Civilian Contracting and Funding Offices which were not end-dated, have been end-dated with a date of ‘03/31/2016’.

• FPDS-NG no longer allows the Civilian Agency System Administrators to add Contracting or Funding Offices from the ‘Government Office Selection’ screen.

• DoD ‘Government Office Selection’ screen and Hierarchy management has not been changed.

• The 'New' button was grayed out from the ‘Government Office Selection’ screen.

• All fields on the ‘Government Office’ screen except 'Region Code' and 'Funding Office End Date' have been disabled and grayed out for Civilian users.

• Civilian System Administrators shall manage AAC Funding Office End Date through the Government Office Screen in FPDS-NG.

• FPDS-NG will only apply a Civilian or DoD Funding Office End Date if a ‘Delete’ Action is received from the DoDAAD interface, when the Funding Office exists, and is currently active.

• FPDS-NG has grayed out all fields for Civilian Offices with a Start Date before 04/01/2016.
