PSC, NAICS and more
Reference Data Source Information
The following table provides reference links for data elements in FPDS-NG used to report government procurement transactions. With the exception of the FPDSNG Project Web Site, IBM and FPDS-NG does not maintain these web sites links |
Data Element Number | Data Element Name | Sources for Referenced Data |
4B | Contracting Office Code | DoD - DoDAAD Civilian - |
4D | Program/Funding Office Code | DoD - DoDAAD Civilian - |
8G | NAICS Code | The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) |
8A | PSC Code | Product or Service Code (PSC) |
9A | DUNS Number | Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) |
9B | Contractor Information | SAM (SAM) |
9E | Country Code | Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) |
9E | Country Name | Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) |
9C | Principal Place of Performance, Location, State, and Code | Unites States Postal Service |
9D | Principal Place Of Performance Name | Unites States Postal Service |
9K | ZIP + 4 | Unites States Postal Service |
8B | DoD Acquisition Program Code | This element is applicable for DoD contracts only. |
8F | DoD Claimant Program Code | This element is applicable for DoD contracts only. |