V1.3 SP15.0 (November 13, 2009)


Revision as of 18:12, 9 December 2009 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart DateEnd Date
BETA Installation Wednesday November 4, 2009Wednesday November 4, 2009
Functional Qualification Testing (FQT) Thursday, November 12, 2009 Thursday, November 12, 2009
Installation in ProductionFriday, November 13, 2009Friday, November 13, 2009

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsYes
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary Yes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryYes
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
Computer-Based TrainingYes
Report ManualYes

SPR Listing

SPR #ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSIRB-137,108 Vendor socio-economic flags do not populate when a DUNS number is entered to the “DUNS No” field on Version 1.2 contracts. The entire “Contractor Information” section shall be updated when a DUNS number is entered manually on the GUI screen of a Version 1.2 contract. No
FPDSHD-59444 The Data Element 10D, “Number of Offers Received”, is mandatory on GWACs, IDCs, POs >= $25K, DCAs and DOs for Civilian agencies and IDCs, POs and DCAs for DoD for all base documents. The “Number of Offers Received” should never be zero or null on anything except FSS, BPA, BOA, PO<$25K, or BPA Call and DoD actions should never be null or zero. However, a number of records are being retrieved through Ad Hoc reports that contain zeros. The data element “Number of Offers Received” shall be mandatory for Award type ‘Purchase Order’ for both Civilian and DoD agencies irrespective of the dollar amounts. The requirement state for the data element 10D, “Number of Offers Received”, shall be made ‘Optional’ for DOs for Civilian Agencies. No
FPDSIRB-124 Error message 22000, “The system cannot save the changes. Please check the input xml sent.” provides no details to help the user determine which field has caused a problem FPDS-NG shall return a valid error message for each data element when an invalid value is sent via Business Services for “Create”, “IsComplete”, “Update” and “Correct”. The error message shall list the data element name, the error message code and the error message No
FPDSHD-55553 The validation rule 6F04 restricts users from selecting the values ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ for the data element “Performance-Based Service Acquisition” (PBSA) when the Vendor type is ‘UNICOR’. The validation rule 6F04 shall be deprecated from the system. The requirement shall apply to all document Versions and for all document types created from the Web Portal, using GUI Services or Business Services. No