V1.3 SP14.0 (October 09, 2009)


Revision as of 18:13, 9 December 2009 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart DateEnd Date
BETA Installation Tuesday September 22, 2009Tuesday September 22, 2009
Final Quality Testing (FQT) Wednesday September 23, 2009Monday September 28, 2009
Installation in ProductionFriday October 09, 2009Friday October 09, 2009

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsYes
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary Yes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryYes
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
Report ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSHD-55688 The user reported an issue with ezSearch not retrieving the same number of results for some searched for as compared to ‘Advanced Search’. Searching for the same document using ‘Advanced Search’ or in the database retrieves more results. ezSearch results shall retrieve all the documents in a ‘Final’ status that meet the search criteria No
FPDSNG-3585 GSA has requested an RSS Feed to be provided which can be used by the CWS like eSRS to retrieve contractual data. The data Feed for FFATA shall display the data elements as requested by GSA. No
FPDSIRB-138,148 The user reported an issue with inconsistency in display of Validation Rules through Business Services. The user reported an issue with the Validation Rules 12C02 and 12C04 not being displayed for Vendor Change Modifications on BPA Calls and Delivery task Orders when the Awards are validated using Version 1.2 Business Services. When an ‘isComplete’ request is submitted through Business Services with or without the tag for the data element “baseAndExercisedOptionsValue”; all the Validation Rules specified in the Appendix section of the requirements document shall be displayed correctly. The Validation Rule 12C02 shall be displayed for Award types ‘Delivery Task Order’ and ‘BPA Call’ when the “Reason for Modification” is ‘Novation’. The Validation Rule 12C04 shall be displayed for Award types ‘Delivery Task Order’ and ‘BPA Call’ when the “Reason for Modification” is ‘Rerepresentation’, ‘Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition’, and ‘Vendor Address Change’, ‘Vendor DUNS Change’. No
FPDSHD-56003 The PIID of an “FSS” contract is changed to the PIID of a referencing “BPA” contract on the GUI screen when an “FSS” is corrected. The system shall properly display all fields and buttons on any “FSS” that is successfully corrected via “GUI Services” or “Web Portal”. The system shall properly display all buttons on any “FSS” that is successfully corrected via “GUI Services” or “Web Portal”. No