V1.3 SP13.0 (September 4, 2009)


Revision as of 18:14, 9 December 2009 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart DateEnd Date
BETA Installation Monday August 17, 2009Monday August 17, 2009
Final Quality Testing (FQT) Wednesday August 19, 2009Monday August 24, 2009
Installation in ProductionFriday September 04, 2009Friday September 04, 2009

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary Yes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryYes
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
Report ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSIRB-123 The Awards by Contractor Type report displays a value of ‘X’ for “Is Performance Based Service Acquisition” in the Award Detail of Standard Reports. The Award Detail for all Standard Reports shall display ‘Yes - Service where PBA is used.’ for “Is Performance Based Service Acquisition” when the code is ‘Y', ‘No - Service where PBA is not used.’ for “Is Performance Based Service Acquisition” when the code is ‘N’ and when the code is ‘*’, ‘Not Applicable’ for “Is Performance Based Service Acquisition” when the code is ‘X’. Adhoc reports shall display ‘No - Service where PBA is not used.’ for “Performance Based Service Acquisition Description” when a value of ‘*’ is displayed for “Performance Based Service Acquisition Code”. The Award Detail shall display the correct value for “Is Performance Based Service Acquisition”. The Adhoc report shall display the correct value for “Performance Based Service Acquisition Description”.
FPDSNG-3568 The Purchase Card Reports do not correctly reflect the socio-economic spend data and the government-wide total dollars and total transactions for a specified time period since these reports only display transactions that were successfully processed. The reports, ‘GSA SmartPay Purchase Charge Card Socioeconomic Summary Report’ and the ‘GSA SmartPay Purchase Charge Card Statistics Report’ shall pull data from the ‘Purchase Card Staging’ table. The reports shall only exclude transactions in an ‘Error’ status having errors related to Dollar values. The ‘Business Type Detail’ and the ‘Business Type Summary’ views of the report, ‘GSA SmartPay Purchase Charge Card Statistics Report’ shall display ‘MPT’ (Micro Purchase Threshold) on the labels for all the columns in the report that specify a dollar threshold. The Purchase Card Reports shall pull data from the ‘Purchase Card Staging’ table.
FPDSHD-53705 The data archives do not display a single record having the ‘Small Business Flag’ set to ‘Yes’ in any of the archived XMLs. However, when a database query is executed for the same time period for a specific agency, 87 records having the ‘Small Business Flag’ set to ‘True’ were retrieved. FPDS-NG shall not send the "smallBusinessFlag" tag on responses to any requests made to FPDS-NG using Business Services. The data archive files shall not have any records with the "smallBusinessFlag" tag for all documents. Business Services:
The "smallBusinessFlag" tag shall not be present in any of the Responses sent from FPDS-NG.
FPDSHD-53785 The NASA System Administrator is requesting for the FPDS-NG system to be changed so NASA specific data elements are not refreshed from the base record when there is a correction to the base. Upon Correction of a base document, the values for NASA specific data elements with the requirement state ‘Not Required’ shall be propagated to the modifications, the values with the requirement state ‘Required’ shall NOT be propagated to the modifications and the values with the requirement state ‘Optional’ shall NOT be propagated to the modifications. No
FPDSHD-55575 The remainder of Boolean data elements other than Legislative Mandates were researched to assure the system is propagating the values from IDVs to Awards correctly and the conversion from Version 1.2 values are migrated to V1.3 correctly. When an Award is created which is referencing an IDV, the value for the data element ‘Commercial Item Test Program’ shall propagate from the IDV to the award. No
FPDSHD-56801 Multiple contract actions for DoD agency are present in FPDS-NG with no value for the data element ‘Solicitation Procedures’. The DoD data validation rule DOD10M06 is not firing upon approval of a Delivery Task Order that references a ‘Multiple Award IDV’. FPDS-NG shall display the following mandatory rule on a Delivery Order when Delivery Task Orders are created without specifying a value for "Solicitation Procedures".
“DOD10M06: If the transaction is type "Delivery Order" referencing a multiple award IDV ("FSS", "GWAC", Multiple Award "IDC") then Solicitation Procedure can only be "Multiple award Fair opportunity" or "Single Source Solicited".”