V1.3 SP12.0 (August 7, 2009)


Revision as of 18:14, 9 December 2009 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart DateEnd Date
BETA Installation Monday July 20, 2009Monday July 20, 2009
Final Quality Testing (FQT) Wednesday July 22, 2009Monday July 27, 2009
Installation in ProductionFriday August 7, 2009Friday August 7, 2009

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
Report ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSIRB-105 The mandatory rule for ‘Reason for Modification’ is being displayed two times on modifications performed after a contract action has been transferred. The mandatory rule for ‘Reason for Modification’ shall be displayed only once on modifications performed after a contract action has been transferred. No
FPDSIRB-100 When a contract action using a vendor having the Self Certified Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) credit is validated, a rule fires that the 'Reason Not Awarded to Small Disadvantaged Business' is required even though the vendor is SDB certified. FPDS-NG considers only SBA Certified SDB vendors as SDB. FPDS-NG shall consider vendors having the Self Certified SDB credit as SDB vendors. No
FPDSIRB-96 FPDS-NG is allowing a contract having a valid CCR vendor to be saved with a CCR exception. FPDS-NG shall display the following error message when a contract having a valid CCR vendor with a CCR exception: “The vendor for the DUNS Number entered exists in CCR. A CCR Exception cannot be used with this vendor.” No
FPDSHD-51991 The Appendices of the” Small Business Goaling Report” and the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report” do not address the contracting office ‘00NAF’ of the Agency Code ‘7530’ and the Vendor DUNS number “199221480” in the Report Exclusions. The logic of the reports does not exclude the UNICOR DUNS ‘199234480’. The Agency Codes ‘6965’ and ‘7013’ are not listed in the Appendix section of the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report”. The Appendices of the “Small Business Goaling Report” and the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report” shall be updated to address the Contracting Office ‘00NAF’ of the Agency Code ‘7530’ in the Report Exclusions. Additionally the two reports shall be modified to exclude the UNICOR DUNS ‘199234480’. The Agency Codes ‘6965’ and ‘7013’ shall be listed in the Appendix section of the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report” to maintain consistency between the two reports. No
FPDSHD-52348 When a contract was being approved with Funding Agency code ‘97BZ’ and Funding Office ‘HQ0476’ the following validation message is displayed.“The value “HQ0476” for data element Funding Office ID is invalid” The user cannot identify active Funding Offices since the Funding Office Selection screen does not display the Start and End dates for the Office Codes. FPDS-NG shall display the Start Date and End Date for Funding Office IDs through the Government Office Selection screen. If the ‘Date Signed’ on a contract is prior to the Start Date or after the End Date of the Funding office; the following message shall be displayed : “The value “XXXXXX” for data element Funding Office ID is invalid” No
FPDSNG-3567 A new database node is required to be added in Production for the 4th Quarter. No
FPDSNG-3581 The FPDS-NG shall update ezSearch to include the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) values and a column titled ‘Initiative’. The user shall be provided the search capability based on the ‘Initiative’ through the ezSearch advanced search. The available value for Initiative would be the ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’. No
FPDSHD-52155 The “Geographical Place of Performance Report” results display ‘No County Specified’ on some awards although the Award has a Place of Performance County specified on it. Additionally, the report results are also retrieving IDVs. The Appendix of the report has references to IDVs as well. The “Geographical Place of Performance Report” shall be fixed to retrieve only Awards and display the county on all those Awards that have a county specified. The report will continue to display ‘No County Specified’ for Awards that do not have a county specified and those with a Place of performance Country other than ‘US’. The Appendix of the report shall be modified to remove all references to IDVs. The logic of the Geographical Place of Performance report shall be modified to retrieve Awards only
FPDSHD-52069 The "Total Education" Actions and Dollars columns are not calculating properly on the “Awards By Contractor Type Report”. The logic of the “Awards By Contractor Type Report” shall be fixed to calculate the values in the "Total Education" Actions and Dollars columns and display the results correctly. The logic of the Awards By Contractor Type report shall be modified to calculate the ‘Total Education’ actions and Dollars correctly.