Section 1331 Changes for the Small Business Jobs Act


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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation - Phase IWednesday January 09, 2013Wednesday January 09, 2013
Functional Qualification Testing - Phase IThursday January 10, 2013Wednesday January 16, 2013
Installation in Production - Phase IFriday January 18, 2012Friday January 18, 2013
BETA Installation - Phase IIFriday February 08, 2013Friday February 08, 2013
Functional Qualification Testing - Phase IIMonday February 11, 2013Wednesday February 13, 2013
Installation in Production - Phase IIFriday February 15, 2013Friday February 15, 2013

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary Yes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryYes
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
User ManualYes

SPR Listing

SPR #EnhancementSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
Section 1331 of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 - PHASE I 1. Starting 11/01/2011, "Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources" will have two new values - Sole Source and Competitive Set Aside.

2. Delivery/Task Orders against FSS, GWAC and Multiple Award IDC (MDO), Part 8 BPAs and Part 8 BPA Calls will have to answer "Type of Set Aside" (TOSA) when the "Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources" is selected as either of the two new values.

3. The allowable set asides for these orders are: Total Small Business, Partial Small Business, 8(a) competed, 8(a) Sole Source, HUBZone, HUBZone sole source, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set Aside, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Sole Source, Women Owned Small business, EDWOSB set asides, HBCU\MI set asides.


1. FPDS-NG shall provide the two new values for the data element, “Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources” as ‘Sole Source’ and ‘Competitive Set Aside’ ( Contract Writing Systems shall report these two values using the codes 'SS' for 'Sole Source' and 'CSA' for 'Competitive Set Aside') on:

a. The base V 1.4 MDOs, Part 8 BPAs and Part 8 BPA Calls with a “Date Signed” on or later than November 02, 2011 (Contractual operations affected are: Create, Update , Correct, isComplete and Approve.

b. Existing V 1.2 and V 1.3 MDOs if the “Date Signed” is corrected to 11/02/2011 or later (Contractual operation affected is: Correct).

2. From the web portal and business services, if either of the two new values for “Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources” is chosen on the MDOs, Part 8 BPAs and Part 8 BPA Calls, then “Type of Set Aside” (TOSA) shall be mandatory.

3. The allowable TOSA values are indicated as follows:

If "Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources" = 'Sole Source', then TOSA must be:

1.8(a) Sole Source
2.HUBZone Sole Source
3.Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Sole Source

If "Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources" = 'Competitive Set Aside', then TOSA must be:

1.8(a) Competed
2.Small Business Set Aside – Partial
3.Small Business Set Aside – Total
4.HUBZone Set Aside
5.Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set Aside
6.HBCU or MI Set-Aside – Partial
7.HBCU or MI Set-Aside – Total
8.Women Owned Small Business
9.Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business

4. Validation rules shall display as per the new values for "Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources" and "TOSA".

Section 1331 of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 - PHASE II 1. The Competition report shall be modified to recognize that orders that are set aside will need to be treated just like other set asides.

2. The Small Business Goaling Report and the Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization standard reports shall be modified to ensure that orders identified as 8(a) set asides are properly identified and that any other changes are taken into consideration.

3. The contractor shall update all documentation, data dictionary, user guides, FAQs, schemas etc. to reflect the above changes.

4. The contractor shall ensure that the ATOM feeds, web services, business services, ezSearch, AdHoc, standard reports, static reports, usaspending feeds, usaspending displays, and any other applicable feeds are updated to reflect these changes.


1. The “Competition Report” and “Competitive Procedures, but One Offer Report” shall be modified to include the new values for the Data Element “Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources” and "TOSA".

2. The “Small Business Goaling Report” and the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report” shall be modified for the “8(a) Procedures” Actions, Dollars and the respective percentages to consider the TOSA value on the MDO, Part 8 BPA and a Part 8 BPA Call.

The TOSA values considered for “8(a) Procedures” are ‘8(a) Competed’, ‘8(a) Sole Source’ or ‘8(a) HUB Zone’.

3. Atom Feeds, ezSearch, Ad Hoc, Standard Reports, USA Spending feeds, USA Spending, Small Business Dashboard displays shall be updated to reflect these changes.


The documentation for Data Dictionaries for V 1.4, V 1.3 and V 1.2, Data Validation Rules, ezSearch, Atom Feeds, FAQs and User Manuals shall be updated accordingly @
