Small Business Goaling and Achievements Report Updates
Description | Start Date | End Date |
BETA Installation | February 05, 2020 | February 05, 2020 |
Government Acceptance Testing | February 07, 2020 | February 13, 2020 |
Installation in Production | February 14, 2020 | February 14, 2020 |
Document Changes
Documentation | Changes Required |
XML Specifications | No |
Web Services | No |
Data Dictionary | No |
NASA Specific Data Dictionary | No |
Use Case Summary | No |
Validation Rules | No |
Reporting | Yes |
ezSearch | No |
Atom Feeds | No |
Online Help | No |
User Manual | No |
SPR Listing
SPR # | Enhancement/Problem | Solution | Impact to Users and Integrators |
IAESAM-723 & IAESAM-761 |
Changes have been requested in the Small Business Goaling Report (SBGR) and The Small Business Achievements by Awarding Agency. | The following changes will be made to the SBGR and the Small Business Achievements by Awarding Agency. Pursuant to the RISE Act and/or The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), contract actions meeting any of the following criteria will have the Dollars doubled:
IAESAM-723 – FY19: Applying double credit to “Small Business Dollars” when actionsare awarded to small businesses physically located in Puerto Rico. This applies government-wide from 10/01/2018 until 9/30/2019. IAESAM-723 – FY20 – FY22: Applying double credit to 5 categories* when Vendor Address State is Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa,or the Northern Marianas Islands, and the Date Signed of the action is on or between 10/1/2019 and 9/30/2022 IAESAM-761:Applying double credit to 5 categories* when “Local Area Set Aside” is ‘Yes’. This applies government-wide starting 10/01/2018. *The following five categories will have double credit applied: 1) Small Business Dollars *Note: a single contract action may meet multiple conditions for double credit. In such a case, it will only be doubled once. As an example, if a contract fulfilled the conditions based on being located in one of the identified US territories above (ie Puerto Rico), and the contract is a local area setaside, the contract would be double counted only once. No circumstances will arise in which a contract action will be 'quadruple' counted. |
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