FPDS Multi-Factor Authentication Integration


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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Implementation November 6, 2020November 6, 2020
Government Acceptance Testing November 16, 2020November 20, 2020
Production Deployment December 5, 2020December 5, 2020

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryNo
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Atom FeedsYes
User ManualYes
Other DocumentationYes

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators


To improve the security of the FPDS user log-in process, FPDS has implemented Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) through its integration with Login.gov. This was a requirement from GSA in order to gain approval for the Authority to Operate (OTA) for FPDS. Currently, FPDS as a system handles the authentication process for users to be able to access the system.
• The existing authentication process is single factor, username/password authentication
• The user session is tracked and maintained internally, logging the user out of the system automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity

With this release, FPDS will begin interfacing with Login.gov to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for user accounts

• This change only impacts users who enter the system to input contract action information
• This change does not impact existing system accounts

Upon clicking the ‘Log In’ button on the FPDS home page, users will be taken to Login.gov authentication screens to complete the log-in process. Once the user has successfully logged in, and confirmed the second factor authentication, the user will be returned to FPDS to work within FPDS.

If the user has multiple existing FPDS account profiles, they will be provided a screen to select which account profile they would like to use for the established user session. New FPDS account profiles can be created by System Administrators.

As mentioned above, system accounts do not require MFA. Similarly, the authenticated DoD ATOM feeds will be exempt from requiring MFA.

Authenticated ATOM feed access will transition to utilize system accounts for access starting on December 5, 2020. If your system utilizes the authenticated DoD ATOM feeds, please reach out to your CCB admin to begin the process of creating a system account. If you have any questions about the system account creation process, you can also reach out to the FPDS cmanage help desk at cmanage@us.ibm.com.

Public ATOM feeds will not be impacted.

On 11/06/2020, beta FPDS users will no longer be able to log into FPDS without having a Login.gov account for multi-factor authentication

On 12/05/2020, production FPDS users will no longer be able to log into FPDS without having a Login.gov account for multi-factor authentication

For more information regarding Login.gov, please visit:

• Login.gov general help page
• How to create an account with Login.gov
• An overview of the authentication method options that are available for users