V1.5 SP 9.0 April Fast Path


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DescriptionStart Date End Date
Beta Implementation April 5, 2021April 5, 2021
Production Deployment April 17, 2021April 17, 2021

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryNo
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Atom FeedsNo
Online HelpNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators


The Data Element Additional Reporting is not being retained when a SAM Exception is selected. This item will resolve a defect where the validation message, "Mandatory element: "listOfAdditionalReportingValues" is missing" is fired incorrectly when a user selects a value for 'Additional Reporting'. The validation message only fires incorrectly on Base CARs which have selected a SAM Exception. No


A modification can be created to Other Transactions (OT) without a finalized base document

(Mod 0).

This item will resolve a defect where the validation message, "Mod '0' of the selected AgencyID ____ and PIID _____ is not in Final State" is not fired when a user creates an OT modification and the Base OT is not finalized. No


Incorrect 'Page Not Found' message appears in ezSearch when the ellipses button is selected. This item will resolve a defect on the ICD tab in ezSearch where an ellipses button returns a 'Page Not Found' message when clicked. The ellipses button appears next to the 'LIKE' box when the user adds a search filter (such as the 'Contracting Agency' filter). The ellipses button shall be removed in order to make the functionalities of the Contracts, ICD, and Recovery tabs in ezSearch the same. No


When ‘validate’ is selected, not all data elements that are in error are shown in red. This item will resolve a defect where required fields on the FPDS GUI screen are not turning red to show the users which fields are in error. This is happening when certain fields are in error when ‘validate’ is selected. No


When certain characters are entered in the 'Description of Requirements' Data Element the system is not reading them correctly. This item will resolve a defect where a user enters a combination of characters such as '&#3' in the 'Description of Requirements' Data Element. This combination is being translated by the system into the corresponding text character. These character combinations are being read as special characters in FPDS and stopping the CAR from being saved/validated until the user corrects the combination of characters. No


Incorrect validations are being displayed on OTs.

This item will resolve a defect where the following validation rules are not firing correctly on OTs, and the regular FPDS validation rules are firing instead of the OT specific rules.

‘Reason For Modification’ Validation Rule 'OT12C12' – ‘If the IDV Type is Other Transaction (OT) IDV, then the "Reason for Modification” cannot be 'Add Subcontracting Plan'’ is not being displayed on an OT Correction.

The following three validation rules are incorrectly firing on OTs.

  • ‘Date Signed’ Validation Rule ‘OT2A04’ - ‘The "Date Signed" provided is later than the "Date Signed" on its finalized modification. Please provide a "Date Signed" earlier than the "Date Signed" of finalized Modifications.’
  • ‘Date Signed’ Validation Rule ‘OT2B04’ - ‘The "Date Signed" provided is later than the "Effective Date" of its finalized Modification. Please provide a "Date Signed" earlier than the "Effective Date" of finalized Modifications.’
  • ‘Date Signed’ Validation Rule ‘OT2C06’ - ‘The "Date Signed" provided is later than the "Current Completion Date” of its finalized Modification. Please provide a "Date Signed" earlier than the "Current Completion Date" of finalized Modifications.’

RTC-58420, RTC-58421

Users unable to correct IDVs that have a large number of referencing Awards. This item will resolve a defect where users are unable to correct IDVs that are referenced by multiple Awards. Users receive a system timeout message and the IDV/referenced Awards are not updated. No


Incorrect value is being displayed when an invalid value is entered in the

'Cost Accounting Standard Clause' Data Element.

Business Services only item:

This item will resolve a defect where validation rule language is not properly being displayed to the user for the data element 'Cost Accounting Standard Clause' when an invalid value is provided via business services. The rule should be displayed as follows: "The value "XYZ" for Data Element "Cost Accounting Standards Clause" is invalid."



An incorrect agency value is being displayed in a Business Services validation rule when an incorrect Role Level is selected.

Business Services only item:

This item will resolve a defect when users are created via business services utilizing V1.2 User Create. An incorrect Agency Code message is being displayed in the validation rule language. For example, the validation rule language displays "’CONTRACTING OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR’ at level ‘2’ for agency ‘5700’ is not valid” In this example, the validation rule language should have said the user belongs to the user-entered value of '9700' instead of '5700.'



An incorrect value is being displayed in a Business Service Validation rule when an incorrect NIA is selected.

Business Services only item:

This item will resolve a defect where the validation message, "The value "____" for Data Element "____" is invalid." is firing incorrectly when a user sends an invalid value for 'National Interest Action' via Business Services. The message is currently displaying, “The value "<value>" for Data Element "<key>" is invalid.” The message will be corrected to display, 'The value "XXXX" for Data Element "National Interest Action" is invalid.
