V1.5 SP 5.0 Fast Path


Revision as of 19:34, 5 February 2025 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation January 6, 2020January 6, 2020
Government Acceptance Testing January 7, 2020January 9, 2020
Installation in ProductionJanuary 17, 2020January 17, 2020

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryNo
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Atom FeedsNo
Online HelpNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators

IAESAM-724, RTC-49443

A Vendor Change (VC) Mod is any modification that has a Reason for Modification as either Novation Agreement, Vendor DUNS or Name Change, Vendor Address Change, Rerepresentation or Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger.

All other types are considered a Non-Vendor Change (Non-VC) Mod. When performing a correction to a finalized Non-VC mod and changing it to a VC mod, the updated Vendor data is not being retained on the VC mod after saving the correction.

The system shall have the necessary code changes completed to ensure that any updated Vendor data is retained on a modification when a final Non-VC mod is corrected to a VC mod (and vice versa). Also, the updated Vendor data will propagate to the proper subsequent modifications and any awards referencing that VC mod. No


Effective Date is propagating from the Base record on NASA Specific Award Modifications after the users performs a Correct and Save action.

Date Signed of Modification must be >= 10/25/2019.

This is incorrect behavior. Effective Date will be open and required on all NASA Specific Award documents. No


The message that is currently firing when a record does not exist in FPDS is not clear. This is for Business Services only. This is for FAADC only. The message that is currently firing when a record does not exist in the system is as follows:
• When performing a DELETE, the Assistance record must have a status of "FINAL"

The message was changed to now fire the following:

• Assistance with Agency Code: "XXXX", FAIN: "XXXXXXXXX", Amendment Number: "XXXX", or URI: "" does not exist.


FAADC Atom Feeds are missing the below vendor information.
• Recipient State Name
• Recipient Country Name
• Recipient City Name from zip code
The additional data requested by DoD has been added.
<ns1:city>Example City</ns1:city>