An Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) is a vehicle that has been awarded to one or more entities to facilitate the delivery of supply and service orders.
From the Home screen, within the Basic IDVs
section, click the IDC
contract type.
Enter data in the Document Information section.
IDV Type: Defaults to IDC
IDV Status: Defaults to New
IDV ID - Mandatory Fields
Agency Code - Enter the appropriate four (4) digit agency or subagency identification code.
PIID - Enter the unique identifier for the award. PIID shall follow the Uniform PIID Structure. The first six characters must match the Contracting Office ID (AAC). The 7th and 8th characters must match the fiscal year of the Date Signed. The 9th character represents the type of instrument. Positions 10 through 17 will be assigned by the Agency. Format must be upper case alpha and numeric only with no embedded spaces or special characters. FPDS will convert lower case letters to upper case, remove leading or trailing blank spaces, and remove any non-alphanumeric characters prior to validation.
Mod No - Defaults to '0' on a base contract. Enter a unique value when reporting a modification to a base contract. The modification number must start with an (A) or a (P). The length must be six characters.
Referenced IDV ID - Not Applicable.
Reason for Modification - Not applicable for a base contract. Select the value that applies when reporting a modification to a base contract.
Solicitation ID - Enter the Solicitation Identifier as in Contract Opportunities Notice. Number format must be upper case alpha and numeric only with no embedded spaces or special characters. FPDS will convert lower case letters to upper case, remove leading or trailing blank spaces, and remove any non-alphanumeric characters prior to validation.
Treasury Account Symbol - The Treasury Account Symbol is an optional data element and is currently made up of three parts: the Agency Identifier (2 characters); the Main Account (4 characters); and a Sub Account (3 characters) if one exists. As of June 28, 2019, the Treasury Account Symbol fields will be Not Applicable and will be grayed out. That includes all three parts: the Agency Identifier (2characters); the Main Accounts (4 characters); and a Sub Account (3 characters).
Initiative - The data element "Treasury Account System Initiative" has a drop down with 'American Recovery and Reinvestment Act' as the only value that can be selected. If this action is not 'American Recovery and Reinvestment Act' leave it as 'Select One'. As of June 28, 2019, the Initiative field will be Not Applicable and will be grayed out.
Enter data in the Dates section.
Date Signed - Enter the date that the transaction was signed. For a bilateral transaction, this is the later of the date signed by the Entity or the Contracting Officer. For a unilateral transaction, this is the date signed by the Contracting Officer.
Period of Performance Start Date - Enter the period of performance start date agreed to by the parties.
Last Date to Order - Enter the last date an order may be placed against this IDV.
Enter data in the Amounts section.
Action Obligation - Enter the net amount of funds (dollars and cents) obligation or de-obligated by this transaction. If the net amount is zero, enter zero. If the net amount is a de-obligation enter a minus sign in addition to the net amount. This is an optional field on an IDC.
Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value) amount - Enter the total estimated value (in dollars and cents) for all orders that are expected to be placed against this contract.
Total Estimated Order Value - For a new IDV: Enter the total estimated value for all potential orders that are expected to be placed against this IDV. Do NOT include any obligated amounts that may have been placed on the IDV itself. If you are reporting on a modification and this value has changed, enter the new total estimated order value. This is a Required Data Element.
Enter data in the Purchaser Information section.
Contracting Office Agency ID - Defaults from the User's profile.
Contracting Office ID - Enter the agency-supplied code of the office that executes the transaction.
You can change the defaults by clicking to get the Agency Selection Screen.
Funding Agency ID - Enter the agency that has funded the transaction. Funding Agency Code must be in the FPDS Agencies/Sub-agency look-up table.
Funding Office ID - Enter the office that is funding the action. Funding Office ID Code must be a valid funding office code in the FPDS Contracting/Funding Office table.
Foreign Funding - If a foreign government or international organization funds some of the cost of the acquisition though Foreign Military Sales, then select 'Foreign Funds FMS'. If a foreign government or international organization funds some cost of the acquisition by means other than Foreign Military Sales, select 'Foreign Funds non-FMS'. If there is no foreign funding, select 'N/A'.
Enter data in the Entity Information section.
Enter the Unique Entity ID (UEI). The entity address, CAGE Code, and socio economic status will auto populate.
Note: The entity information will only auto populate if you have JavaScript turned on in your browser. If your agency does not allow JavaScript in your browser, when the document is saved the entity information will update to match the Unique Entity ID (UEI) you have entered.
In the Entity Information section, next to the Legal Business Name field, click . Use the lookup screen to locate an Entity by entering the following information:
Legal Business Name
Or Address
Or Unique Entity ID (UEI)
After entering the entity information, click .
Note: If the entity name and address is used as the search criteria, more than one entity may display in the pick list. If the entity does not display, click and use other criteria like the Unique Entity ID (UEI) or the Doing Business As Name.
Click the radio button on the left to make your selection.
Click on the right to load your selection.
If the entity is not registered
in the System for Award Management (SAM), then select the FAR 4.1102 Exception by clicking the ellipsis . Note: This data element is the same as the "2 CFR Part 25 Exception" data element in FAADC.
A pick list will display with a selection that
defines the reason the Entity is not required to register in SAM. From the pick list, click the radio button
on the left to make a selection:
Awards made to foreign entities for work performed outside the United States, if it is impractical to obtain SAM registration.
Classified contracts when registration in the SAM database, or use of SAM data, could compromise the safeguarding of classified information or national security.
Contracting Officers deployed in the course of military operations, including, but not limited to, contingency operations as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(a)(13) or humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C. 2302(7).
Contracting Officers conducting emergency operations, such as responses to natural or environmental disasters or national or civil emergencies, e.g., Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121).
Contracts to support unusual or compelling needs.
Purchases that use a government-wide commercial purchase card as both the purchasing and payment mechanism, as opposed to using the purchase card only as a payment method.
Micro-purchases that do not use the electronic funds transfer (EFT) method for payment and are not required to be reported (see subpart 4.6).
on the right to load your selection.
Enter the Unique Entity ID (UEI). The entity information will auto populate. If an invalid Unique Entity ID (UEI) is entered, the entity information will not populate and a validation error will be displayed at the top of the screen.
Enter data in the Contract Data Section.
Select Type of Contract - Enter the value that best describes the contract type.
Select Inherently Governmental Functions - If PSC is a service (excluding PSC service code R497), select the appropriate value. If PSC is a product (including PSC service code R497), the value must be left blank.
Major Program – If your agency has designated a ‘Major Program’ and this IDV is part of such a program, enter the name of the 'Major Program.
National Interest Action - The respective value if the contract is awarded in response to any national disaster like Katrina, otherwise 'None'. As of 1/27/2024, the National Interest Action field is not selectable for all record types where the field was previously open.
Select Type of IDC - Identifies whether IDC is Indefinite Delivery Requirements, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity or Indefinite Delivery/Definite Quantity.
Multiple or Single Award IDV - Select the appropriate value from the dropdown.
Program Acronym - The short name or title used for a GWAC or other contracting program. Examples include COMMITS, ITOPS, and SEWP.
Cost or Pricing Data - Select Yes if Cost or Pricing Data was obtained, No if not obtained, or Not Obtained because the requirement to submit cost or pricing data was waived. (FAR 15.4)
Cost Accounting Standards Clause - If the contract includes a Cost Accounting Standards clause, then select 'Yes - CAS clause included'. If the contract was subject to Cost Accounting Standards but a waiver was approved, then select 'No - CAS waiver approved'. If the contract is exempt from Cost Accounting Standards, then select 'N/A - exempt from CAS'. (FAR 30)
Consolidated Contract - If the contract action is awarded by DoD or if DoD is the funding activity for an order with an estimated total value that exceeds the threshold based on the Date Signed and the action is a consolidation of contract requirements, then select 'Yes'. It is DOD's responsibility to identify consolidated requirements in the Interagency Agreement. Enter 'No' if the order is not funded by DoD, or if the contract or order:
Has an estimated total value less than or equal to the threshold based on the Date Signed.
Has been reported as a Bundled Contract or
Is not a consolidation of contract requirement
Civilian agencies may assume it is not a consolidated requirement if DOD has not specified this in the Interagency Agreement.
The above values will only be able to be selected if the "Date Signed" on the action is on or earlier than February 2, 2017. Beginning with the new values, the thresholds have been deprecated. Consolidated Contract is Required for both DoD and Civilian Agencies.
The new values for "Consolidated Contract" have changed for actions with the "Date Signed" on or after February 3, 2017.
Enter Code A, 'Consolidated Requirements' when the requirements meet the definition of "Consolidation" or "consolidated requirement" at FAR 2.101 but a written determination was not made because 1) the estimated value of the requirements were at or below $2 million OR 2) the requirements are bundled and a written determination for bundling is required. Enter Code B' Consolidated Requirements with Written Determination' when the requirements meet the definition of "Consolidation" or "consolidated requirement" at FAR 2.101 and a Written Determination is made in accordance with FAR 7.107-2. Enter Code C, 'Consolidated Requirements Under FAR 7.107-1(b) Exception' when the requirements meet the definition of "Consolidation" or "consolidated requirement" at FAR 2.101 but do not require a written determination in accordance with FAR 7.107-1(b) Exception. Enter Code D, 'Not Consolidated' when the requirements do not meet the definition of "Consolidation" or "consolidated requirement" at FAR 2.101.
Undefinitized Action - If the contract is a Letter Contract, then select 'Letter Contract'. If the contract action is some form of other Undefinitized Action, then select 'Other Undefinitized Action'. If the contract action is neither a Letter Contract or an Undefinitized Action, then select 'N/A'
Multiyear Contract - If the contract is a FAR 17.1 Multiyear Contract, then select 'FAR 17.1 Multiyear Contract'. Otherwise, select 'Not a FAR 17.1 Multiyear Contract'. The key distinguishing difference between multi-year contracts and multiple year contracts is that multi-year contracts buy more than 1 year's requirement (of a product or service) without establishing and having to exercise an option for each program year after the first.
Performance Based Service Contract - Indicates whether the contract action is a PBA of services as defined by FAR 37.601.
Select 'Yes - Service where PBA is used' for contracts for services where:
For FY 2004 and prior actions, a minimum of 80% of the anticipated obligations under the procurement must be performance based.
For FY 2005 and later actions a minimum of 50% of the anticipated obligations under the procurements action must be performance based.
Select 'No- Service where PBA is not used' when the procurement is for services but the above PBA standards are not met. Select 'Not Applicable' for contract actions that are predominantly for supplies.
Select 'Not Applicable' for contract actions that are predominantly for supplies.
Emergency Acquisition - Select the appropriate option if the action is in support of a contingency, humanitarian, or peacekeeping operation and the award is over $200,000.
Enter data in the Legislative Mandates section.
Clinger Cohen Act - Select 'Yes' if the action is subject to the Clinger Cohen Act, otherwise select 'No'.
Labor Standards - It populates to the Modifications and a Part 8 BPA populates from the FSS. Select Yes if the IDV is subject to Labor Standards and the Labor Standards clause and wage determination or the collective bargaining agreement is included in the award. Otherwise, select No or Not Applicable. (FAR 22.10). Select Not Applicable if the award does not meet the dollar threshold or was listed as exempt under FAR 22.10. See Data Dictionary Element 7C Use Case for appropriate data entry requirements. FAR Clause 52.222-41 "Labor Standards" - that goes with the Service Contract Labor Standards (formerly Service Contract Act).
Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equip - It populates to the Modifications and a Part 8 BPA populates from the FSS. Select Yes if the IDV is subject to Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment and the Materials, Supplies, Article, and Equipment clause is included in the award. The Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment applies to the manufacture or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles, and equipment (referred to as supplies) in any amount exceeding $10,000. Otherwise, select No or Not Applicable. (FAR 22.6). Select Not Applicable if the dollar threshold was not met or if the award was exempt based on the fact that it was not a manufactured item. See Data Dictionary Element 7B Use Case for appropriate data entry requirements. FAR Clause 52.222-20 "Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment Exceeding $15,000" - that goes with Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment Exceeding $15,000 (formerly Walsh-Healey)
Construction Wage Rate Requirements - It populates to the Modifications and a Part 8 BPA populates from the FSS. Select Yes if the award is subject to the Construction Wage Rate Requirements clause and wage determination or the collective bargaining agreement is included in the IDV. The Construction Wage Rate applies to contracts in excess of $2,000 for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works within the United States. Otherwise, select No or Not Applicable. (FAR 22.403-1). Select Not Applicable if the procurement is not for construction or if the dollar threshold was not met. See Data Dictionary Element 7D Use Case for appropriate data entry requirements. The FAR Clause 52.222-6 “Construction Wage Rate Requirements” – that goes with Construction Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) (formerly Davis Bacon Act.
Additional Reporting - There is a list of values for this data element. Select the value or values that apply to this action. Two or more values can be chosen, unless ‘None of the Above’ is selected.
Enter data in the Interagency Contracting Authority section.
Interagency Contracting Authority - If the transaction is subject to the Economy Act, select 'Economy Act'. If the transaction is subject to the Other Statutory Authority, select the 'Other Statutory Authority' and provide the name of the authority in the available text field, Other Interagency Contracting Statutory Authority. If no Statutory Authority applies, select 'Not Applicable'.
Other Interagency Contracting Statutory Authority - If the value selected in the Interagency Contracting Authority is 'Other Statutory Authority', then provide the name of the authority in this free form text field
Enter data in the Contract Marketing Data section.
FIPS 95 codes/Other Text
Email Contact
Ordering Procedure
Enter data in the Product or Service Information section.
Product or Service Code - Pick the code that best identifies the product or service procured. If more than one code applies, then report the code that represents most of the ultimate contract value.
Principal NAICS Code - Report the code that was used in the solicitation.
Claimant Program Code - DoD: Select the appropriate code. Only required for DoD. As of 10/29/2022, the Claimant Program Code field is Not Applicable for all record types where the field was previously open.
Bundled Contract - Select 'Mission Critical' if the agency has determined that the consolidation of requirements is
critical to the agency's mission, but the measurably substantial benefits do not meet the thresholds set forth in the FAR 7.107 to determine that the consolidation is necessary and justified.
Select 'OMB Circular A-76' if the agency used the OMB Circular A-76 process to determine that the consolidation of the requirements is necessary and justified rather than applying
the substantial benefits analysis required by FAR 7.107. Select 'Other' when the requirement is "bundled" and neither 'Mission Critical' nor 'OMB Circular A-76' applies. Select 'Not Applicable' if the
contract requirements were not bundled or if this is a consolidated contract. Select ‘Not a Bundled Requirement’ if the contract requirements were not bundled or if this is a consolidated contract.
The above values will only be able to be selected if the “Date Signed” on the action is on or earlier than February 2, 2017. Beginning with the new values, the thresholds have been deprecated.
The values for Bundled Contracts have changed beginning for actions with a “Date Signed” on or later than February 3, 2017. See below.
Enter Code E ‘Bundled Requirements’ when the requirements meet the definition of “Bundling” at FAR 2.101. Enter Code F, ‘Substantially Bundled Requirements’ when the requirements meet the definition of “Bundling” at FAR 2.101 but has an estimated value outlined at FAR 7.107-4 Substantial Bundling. Enter G, ‘Bundled Requirements Under a FAR 7.107-1(b) Exception’ when the requirements meet the definition of “Bundling” at FAR 2.101 but do not require a written determination in accordance with FAR 7.107-1(b). Enter Code H, ‘Not Bundled’ when the requirements do not meet the definition of “Bundling” at FAR 2.101.
GFP Provided Under This Action - Select the appropriate option.
Recovered Materials/Sustainability - Select the appropriate option based on the clauses used in the award. If none of the appropriate clauses were used select No Clauses Included.
Domestic or Foreign Entity - This field indicates an entity type. Select any of the three U.S. related entries or either of the two foreign entries to indicate whether the entity is a domestic or a foreign entity respectively.
Sea Transportation - This field designates whether the entity anticipates some of the supplies may be transported by sea. Select Yes when the entity's response to the provision at 252.247-7022, Representation of Extent of Transportation by Sea, or 252.212-7000(c)(2), Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items, indicates that the entity anticipates that some of the supplies being provided may be transported by sea. Select No if they won't be transported by sea, otherwise select Unknown. As of 1/28/2023, the Sea Transportation field is Not Applicable for all record types where the field was previously open.
Description of Contract Requirement - Enter a brief description of the goods or services that you are buying or for an IDV, a brief description of the goods or services available.
Enter data in the Competition Info section.
Extent Competed For Referenced IDV - This field is Not Applicable for an IDC.
Extent Competed - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
Source Selection Process - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
Solicitation Procedures - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
IDV Type of Set Aside - Not Applicable.
Type of Set Aside - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
Type of Set Aside Source - Not Applicable.
Evaluated Preference - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
SBIR/STTR - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources - This field is Not Applicable for an IDC.
Other Than Full and Open Competition - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
Commercial Products or Services Acquisition Procedures - Click the dropdown and make a selection.
A-76 Action - Select 'Yes' if the contract action resulted from an A-76/Fair Act competitive sourcing process, otherwise select 'No'. As of 10/29/2022, the A-76 Action field is Not Applicable for all record types where the field was previously open.
Contract Opportunities Notice - If the transaction is subject to Contract Opportunities Notice, then select 'Yes'. If the transaction is subject to the FAR 5.102 or 5.202 exceptions, then select 'No'. If the Action Obligation on the transaction is less than or equal to $25K, then select 'Not Applicable'.
Local Area Set Aside - Select 'Yes' if preference to the local firms is given through a local area set-aside. Select 'No' if a local area set-aside is not applicable. (FAR 6.207)
Number of Offers Received - Not Applicable
Number of Offers Recieved - Not Applicable.
Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program will be derived based on the NAICS code, referenced IDV and the entity business type.
Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Products and Commercial Services - Select the appropriate value from the drop down list.
Enter data in the Preference Programs/Other Data section.
Contracting Officer Business Size Determination - Report the Contracting Officer's determination of whether the selected entity is a small business for this contract.
Subcontract Plan - Subcontracting plan requirement. (See FAR Part 19.702). Report the code for the subcontracting requirement.
Click .